Sunday, 20 May 2012

First Aid DVD successes at Safety & Health Expo.

It was wonderful meeting lots of new customers, and past ones who praised how good our First Aid DVD has been. 'the best first aid dvd there is' said Willie, 'brilliant dvd, use it all the time' said Brian. Our position was right by the only entrance at the Expo, so there was a massive rush of interest at opening time. The first sales completed by 10:09, and soon followed by an amazing interest, especially in our Internet based First Aid training options.

Ian Kershaw from FOFATO joined us, and explained to many about the forthcoming HSE changes in regulation of First Aid training.

We learnt from the 3 days that our dvd, and internet based elearning first aid options are a perfect solution for all sizes of companies. We have some corporates very interested in taking our online versions, and we will be setting them up in the next couple of weeks.

Thanks to everyone who came to see us, we smashed all records for selling, so a bigger thanks further to everyone who loved what they saw, and picked up a bargain.

If you would like your own refresher training solution for your First Aiders, then you can join the hundreds of others who are using it on a regular basis. Click here to buy from Amazon now.  

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Fabulous day at FOFATO Conference.

Just back from a great day hosted by Ian Kershaw MBE, who runs the Federation of First Aid Training Organisations. The day updated its members of the current proposed changes in the way First Aid training is regulated and controlled. Changes are going to happen, with the HSE relinquishing their responsibility for it.

We also had a great chance to showcase our first aid dvd, with much interest from the many First Aid training organisations there, and many thanks to all those who purchased a copy of our dvd. We know it has been used very successfuly in the training room, and offers a good visual aid to the trainees.

Thanks again to Ian and his team, and excellent day and if you are a First Aid Training company, we highly recommend contacting Ian to join his growning organisation. More details on his website here.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Looking to start your own business?

Let`s face facts, we`d all love to run our own successful business and have pots of cash coming in, whilst maintaining a lavish lifestyle. Running your own business is a fantastic buzz, it`s hard work has lots of good points, but unfortunately so bad points also.

Lots of hours working can seem like a negative, but you can console yourself knowing it`s all for yourself. 4 years into starting my own business, I still get excitement coming in, and love most of the time here. I started from scratch almost 5 years ago, and it's no secret it's tough, very tough at times but boy can it be rewarding. I`ve also had to contend with a young family, and witnessing my mum suffering from cancer and losing her battle.

She drove me on, and still does today. You need this driving force, also know as motivation and ambition to be successful. You also need a good idea, some money, some support, some luck and plenty of common sense to keep you going. All that I`ve learnt I use today, a lot of it I have bottled and is available on our latest production which covers how to start your own business.

From the initial considerations of whether a business is right for you, all the way through to forming a business, VAT issues, premises, insurances, health and safety, marketing, sales and customer service. In fact, we cover 44 subjects in total all in 1 easy to watch and follow DVD.

It`s available for a very sensible £19.50 from Amazon.

For more details, and to watch some samples please visit our website.

The very best of luck if you are starting out in business!! at the NEC.

After such an amazing response from attending the Safety and Health Expo last year, we decided to take the plunge again for 2012.

Just Do It Guides partnered with A1 First Aid and Concept Filming to produce what some have said to be 'the best first aid dvd there is' and 'excellent dvd, ideal for refresher training. Don`t take their word for it, or ours so pop in and see us if you are attending the Safety and Health Expo at the NEC, May 15,16 and 17. More details here.

We are also showcasing our First Aid DVD with FOFATO at Donnington this Saturday (11th May). The Federation of First Aid Training Organisations are one of the biggest organisations representing the First Aid Trainers in the UK. We are happy to be associated with them.

Changes for First Aiders

There have been some recent updates to First Aid protocol that your First Aiders should be aware of:

Pelvic Check 
When performing a top-to-toe survey, we are no longer encouraging a squeeze or 'rock' of the pelvis. This can complicate any potential injury that the casualty may be suffering from.
So the training is to not squeeze or rock the pelvis as it could complicate any potential injury. Look for evidence of incontinence and bleeding and how the legs are laying. Look to see if the legs are splayed, or if one leg appears shorter than the other.

RIDDOR - additional reporting requirements to your accident report in certain circumstances
There will be a significant change to RIDDOR 95 on 6th April this year.
From 6 April 2012, the reporting requirement for Over-Three-Day Injuries to workers will change to Over-Seven-Day Injuries.
From then, you must report work-related injuries, where a worker has been incapacitated for more than seven consecutive days. You must still keep a record of the accident if the worker has been incapacitated for more than three consecutive days.
The deadline by which an over-seven-day injury must be reported is 15 days after the accident. 

Can we help with your first aid training requirements?