Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Looking to start your own business?

Let`s face facts, we`d all love to run our own successful business and have pots of cash coming in, whilst maintaining a lavish lifestyle. Running your own business is a fantastic buzz, it`s hard work has lots of good points, but unfortunately so bad points also.

Lots of hours working can seem like a negative, but you can console yourself knowing it`s all for yourself. 4 years into starting my own business, I still get excitement coming in, and love most of the time here. I started from scratch almost 5 years ago, and it's no secret it's tough, very tough at times but boy can it be rewarding. I`ve also had to contend with a young family, and witnessing my mum suffering from cancer and losing her battle.

She drove me on, and still does today. You need this driving force, also know as motivation and ambition to be successful. You also need a good idea, some money, some support, some luck and plenty of common sense to keep you going. All that I`ve learnt I use today, a lot of it I have bottled and is available on our latest production which covers how to start your own business.

From the initial considerations of whether a business is right for you, all the way through to forming a business, VAT issues, premises, insurances, health and safety, marketing, sales and customer service. In fact, we cover 44 subjects in total all in 1 easy to watch and follow DVD.

It`s available for a very sensible £19.50 from Amazon.

For more details, and to watch some samples please visit our website.

The very best of luck if you are starting out in business!!

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