Monday, 13 October 2008

Advertising………another black art

Fiona, our marketing guru, has been advising on our advertising strategy and has opened a few doors which have secured a great article, a front page banner, and an associated advertisement in Jump Ahead, an Oxfordshire magazine which has a circulation of around 25,000. She said it is a small start – It looks like the start of a roller coaster ride to me.
I thought I would have a bash at this advertising lark myself. So I designed an advert. It took me nearly 2 days to produce an advert 6.4cm by 8.8cm and it still looks rubbish. Nothing ventured nothing gained, so I have reserved a spot in the November edition of the Woodcote Correspondent (circulation 2,500).
Watch this blog to see which advert gets the best ROI (I don’t know what it means but it has something to do with the black art of marketing).

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