Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Only Fools & Horses...

There was no frost, the clouds were dry, the wind silent and the sun was glorious so us first timers on the Market Stall were happy traders. We arrived at half 8, somehow missing the clogged Abingdon traffic and met the ever helpful Jimmy James, who showed us to our pitch.

Up went the pop up gazebo, and out came the sunshine. Customers were milling around, and we were kindly donated a steaming cup of tea by the local church. Positioning was perfect, right outside Jessops, and we knew people would be flocking to buy our Digital Photography DVD after being into there. Dave Murdoch popped in with some flyers, but they were embarrassed as they knew our product was vastly superior to anything they offer and quickly declined.

First strike was Vince`s. A customer instantly attracted to our Photo DVD, handed over a welcomed ten pound note, and relief was evident. The atmosphere of the Abingdon Market was great, very friendly Market Traders everywhere, especially our neighbour Danny on the Fishing Tackle stand, many thanks for all the advice.

Lunch was an outstanding baguette from the baguette shop in the Market Square, and soon after, another sale, this time Mini Soccer. We rejoiced, it meant we had made a profit!! Fantastic achievement from the 3 Just Do It Guys...

All and all, an enjoyable day. We packed up and left at 3, quietly pleased with our results, and looking forward to next Monday.

Marlbrough was penciled in for our next assault on a Wednesday. With another Amazon sale, and phone enquiry from an Abingdon flyer it made for a nice sunny day out in the fresh air.

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